Be Part of Redefining the Australian Mental Well-being Journey

Be Part of Redefining the Australian Mental Well-being Journey

Be Part of Redefining the Australian Mental Well-being Journey

Are you an organisation that supports the mental well-being of people across the Australian or global community?

Well then this is an opportunity for you.

Voice of Health is an Australian startup redefining our nation’s approach to the mounting mental health challenge by introducing a technology platform with a preventative, mindful, more humanised approach.

Co-founded by James Hatchman and Luke Karabatsos, the empathetic duo experienced first-hand, the gap in Australia’s mental health system and united to provide an accessible solution that is committed to breaking down barriers experienced by those seeking support regardless of location, ability, culture, income, lifestyle or mental health status.

Voice of Health is an accessible, safe, and free mobile application where individuals can connect with trained Active Listeners who are there to empathise, support and understand you.

Voice of Health is designed to rethink mental well-being by integrating an empathetic ear of a peer with outcome-oriented self-management strategies. Voice of Health is not only reducing the overwhelming thoughts, feelings or experiences individuals face but is also playing a part in alleviating pressure on existing mental health services.

A key differentiator of the platform is the user-centered design where individuals self-designate their support person (Active Listener) based on their shared lived experience with mental health, providing a deeper level of compassion and understanding.

Our unique Active Listening methodology optimises the value in listening deeply and communicating empathy to build trust, respect and understanding with those seeking support. This methodology has been endorsed by industry experts.

It's our goal to make sure that no one ever feels like they are alone, or unsupported along their mental health journey. We are the first step in someone’s journey but we can’t do it all.

Which is why we need your help!

Calling all mental well-being organisations, certified professionals, therapists and healthcare organisations.

We are a great first step for people seeking support and apply a preventative model, but we are integrating a “Partners” functionality directly into our mobile application where users who require a higher level of support can easily discover your organisation and your professional services.

Who are we seeking?

We would like to partner with other organisations, certified professionals, therapists, and other health care providers who Voice of Health can recommend to our app users.

You might be an organisation that provides mental health therapy, nutrition guidance, perinatal support, IBS therapy, psychotherapy, well-being or any organisation that has certified professionals providing a service. Ideally, you will be able to deliver your services online, through a mobile application or web-based platform that we can link our users to. If you are unsure if your organisation is suitable then the best way is to reach out and ask us.

How it will work and what do you need to do?

Your organisation will be listed within our “Partner” section on our application. Users will be able to find your organisation based on their needs or be sent directly there by our Active Listeners.

We have created an easy to complete checklist template that includes all the details about your business so we can populate your profile page on the application and then you will be ready to start receiving referrals. It should not take more than 15-20minutes for you to complete.

What are the costs involved?

To be listed as a partner organisation on our mobile application requires zero cost to your organisation. If a user has come from the VOH mobile application and paid to utilise your services, then there is a small platform fee to support the administration side of the service but that’s it. We are happy to discuss this further upon your interest.

If you are interested to receive additional referrals or new clients and become a partner on our application, please get in contact with James Hatchman at

For more information on VOH, our Active Listener training or to download the VOH app visit:

Start your Free Trial Today.

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