Case notes

Create and use secure, online and medico-legal compliant case notes documenting your client’s treatment, injuries  and illnesses.


Swift note creation

A requirement for every practitioner, which coreplus makes easy with unlimited case notes for your practice to cover every compliance scenario.

  • Create, edit and delete templates per practitioner
  • Add images, tables and font formatting
  • Create shortcuts via a custom placeholder to apply to any case note, enabling a quick way to add long form text
Draft notes

Save for later

For those scenarios where you’re not quite finished, need to edit before committing to a completed treatment entry.

  • Get back to where you left off by saving a draft note
  • Resume from any draft note you’ve saved, just select and continue
  • As a back up, you can rest assured with the auto-save feature on every current case note, so you never lose information
Draft notes
Body charts
Body charts

Document injuries, illness and charts

Add detailed injuries, illnesses and body charts as part of a client’s clinical record, complementing your case notes.

  • Create and manage custom categories for injuries and illnesses
  • Add a summary or treatment note to each documented  injury or illness
  • Annotate the provided body chart, or personalise by adding your own images

Compliance and confidentiality

  • Adhere to medico-legal standards with an automated time and date stamp to every case note, and no delete or edit option to finalised notes
  • Case notes, in fact all of your coreplus data is stored on encrypted servers
  • Customisable user access, by default only the treating practitioner and account Supervisor can access a client’s case note

Even more Case Note features to love

Custom Data to capture information on your client
Practitioner administered multiple choice & score based, questionnaires
Collapsible, sortable case note history
Add medications to a client record
Add on boost: Medication information added via Patient Plus or Snapforms automatically uploads
Medico-legal compliant with time & date stamp

Start your Free Trial Today.

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Designing customer-centric healthcare eXperiences - Diana Younan
Reimagining Heathcare
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