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Medicare & DVA Online

Process your bulk bills, patient claims, gap and DVA claims anywhere, anytime.



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Medicare & DVA Online

Medicare cash flows faster into your account with coreplus’s integrated online claiming technology.  coreplus has a 100% web based integration for Medicare Bulk Bill claiming and DVA which means you don’t need a terminal or a dial up line.

You will save time if you currently use vouchers, or time & money if you currently pay monthly line rental/ terminal fees, merchant or brokerage fees on claim values.

Easy to set up and once set up you will be able to perform real time patient verification allowing you to verify your patient quicker and resolve any gap payments.  Approvals are instant and claim payments are in your bank account super fast.

Medicare & DVA Online
  • Process claims and bills 100% free of merchant & transaction fees, and terminal costs
  • Allow cash flow to your account faster and easier with our integrated Medicare & Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) integration as part of your billing and payments solution
  • Integrated Medicare reconciliation for approved claims - you get paid by Medicare and your invoice reconciled is automatically by coreplus
  • Keep track of Medicare and DVA claims lodged through coreplus with seven different reports

Process all your Medicare and DVA billing and claiming straight through a client’s invoice; your unique coreplus account connects directly to Medicare Online allowing you to process these claims in a couple of clicks.

Receive the status of your patient claims instantly and run a report for the status of your bulk bill and DVA claims, anytime. Assignment advise is also recorded with each invoice associated to a claim which means you can access all the details you need about your Medicare claims anytime.

Ready to get started? It's simple! Follow our step-by-step guide [Click Here] to integrate these powerful tools into your coreplus account today, all available during your free trial.

Medicare & DVA Online

Medicare & DVA Online

Process your bulk bills, patient claims, gap and DVA claims anywhere, anytime.

Medicare & DVA Online

Medicare & DVA Online Claiming

Medicare cash flows faster into your account with coreplus’s integrated online claiming technology.  coreplus has a 100% web based integration for Medicare Bulk Bill claiming and DVA which means you don’t need a terminal or a dial up line.

You will save time if you currently use vouchers, or time & money if you currently pay monthly line rental/ terminal fees, merchant or brokerage fees on claim values.

Easy to set up and once set up you will be able to perform real time patient verification allowing you to verify your patient quicker and resolve any gap payments.  Approvals are instant and claim payments are in your bank account super fast.

With Online Medicare and DVA Claim Processing you can

  • Process claims and bills 100% free of merchant & transaction fees, and terminal costs
  • Allow cash flow to your account faster and easier with our integrated Medicare & Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) integration as part of your billing and payments solution
  • Integrated Medicare reconciliation for approved claims - you get paid by Medicare and your invoice reconciled is automatically by coreplus
  • Keep track of Medicare and DVA claims lodged through coreplus with seven different reports

How it works together with coreplus

Process all your Medicare and DVA billing and claiming straight through a client’s invoice; your unique coreplus account connects directly to Medicare Online allowing you to process these claims in a couple of clicks. Receive the status of your patient claims instantly and run a report for the status of your bulk bill and DVA claims, anytime. Assignment advise is also recorded with each invoice associated to a claim which means you can access all the details you need about your Medicare claims anytime.

Get started today

Our add-ons seamlessly enhance your coreplus experience, unlocking new capabilities and bringing more value to your practice. Each integration is carefully selected to complement and expand the functionalities of coreplus, ensuring a more efficient, comprehensive, and connected practice management experience. Whether it's expanding your billing options, enhancing client engagement, or streamlining administrative tasks, our integrations are designed to fit effortlessly into your workflow.

Ready to get started? It's simple! Follow our step-by-step guide [Click Here] to integrate these powerful tools into your coreplus account today, all available during your free trial.

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Designing customer-centric healthcare eXperiences - Diana Younan
Reimagining Heathcare
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