
Online Practice Management Software for Psychologists.

coreplus features used by Psychologists

Save time, effort and money. Practice happy.
  • Empower your practice in Australia.
  • Simplify and speed up your admin processes. Our growing range of online add-ons can automate time consuming data entry.
  • 100% free admin users.
  • No downloads. No installation. All you need is a web browser. coreplus is cloud software.
  • Unlimited computers and mobile devices can access the software.
  • You could save thousands of dollars by removing the need for complicated IT systems, servers, software management, and IT technicians. Explore how our pricing can work for you.
  • Transition from your current PMS easily. We can import your data. Ask us how.

Australia’s leading practice management software for psychologists and health professionals

coreplus is a cloud-based practice management software widely used by psychologists around Australia. Within coreplus, you have the ability to create and store case notes which are date and time stamped at the time of completion. You can create unlimited case note templates, as well as weighted custom questionnaires (e.g. Likert Scale, K10, etc.) to save and insert into case notes. You can also upload your own documents or images to save directly in a client’s file for you to access or reference later.

We know how incredibly important it is that your patient data is stored safely and securely, so you can rest assured knowing that coreplus is Privacy Act 1988 compliant. We also know that as a psychologist, you store and manage some very sensitive information and if you have multiple users on your account (administration team, other psychologists/practitioners), you can enable feature permissions which allows or restricts other user access to various features within coreplus. You also have the option of enabling two-factor authentication for when logging in to your account for maximum security.

Unless your reception team works 24/7, there’s a chance that they won’t always be available when a new or existing client wants to book in an appointment with you. For this reason, we developed the client portal to allow for online bookings any time of day or night. Using the client portal is completely free on all of our plan types.

A feature-packed software package to streamline your management and admin processes

In addition to receiving online bookings through your website, you can also receive eReferrals through our secure messaging integration. We’re integrated with both Argus and HealthLink, ensuring safe, seamless and secure correspondence between yourself and other practitioners, linking up a client’s points of care. After receiving an eReferral, you can then respond to the message with your clinical notes, reports, and letters completely free of charge.

You can create and store these letters within coreplus using our letter writer. The letter writer allows for you to create infinite templates for all of your letter-writing needs and to insert your logo or other imagery into your letters and templates to ensure a professional and polished look. You’re able to save, print, export, or email your letters directly from within your coreplus account, saving you time and minimising the double-handling of documents.

If you’ve already got an electronic copy of your patient list (whether you’re using a different practice management software or have digital files saved on your computer) then we’ll be able to import your client list (name, DOB, address, email, etc.) as well as a list of your referrers, and also your service types. We do these data imports totally free of charge to make the transition of moving to coreplus as smooth as possible.

A streamlined approach to remote therapy sessions

For many people throughout Australia, accessing in-person therapy sessions is difficult due to living in remote areas with limited psychological support. Fortunately, with the help of coreplus, booking and running Telehealth appointments via phone or video link is easy. Our software allows you to offer online bookings, accept remote payments and process Medicare billing and claiming. Our Secure Messaging integration then allows you to communicate with your referrers ensuring the continuity and care of your client.  This innovative approach minimises your administration load and allows you to spend more time focusing on providing exceptional quality care to those who need it most, no matter where they are throughout Australia.

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