
Online Practice Management Software for Psychiatrists.

coreplus features used by Psychiatrists

coreplus is a leading psychiatrist practice management software, changing the world of patient management systems. Our psychiatry practice management system streamlines processes for psychiatrists so you can elevate the level of care you provide to your patients.

Some of the key features of coreplus’ psychiatry practice management software is the convenient booking integrations, calendar synchronisation and Medicare/DVA claiming. This cloud-based software can also be accessed at any time, allowing you to keep tabs on your business wherever you are.

For psychiatrists, coreplus allows for the creation and storing of case notes with detailed information. You can create unlimited case note templates, as well as weighted custom questionnaires (e.g. Likert Scale, K10, etc.) to save and insert into case notes. You can also upload your own documents or images to save directly in a client’s file for you to access or reference later.

Scale up your psychiatry practice with our advanced management software

coreplus has been designed with the Australian context in mind. This means the software accounts for NDIS changes and is in line with the 1988 Privacy Act. We know that as a psychiatrist, you store and manage some very sensitive information. This is why with coreplus, feature permissions can be enabled to allow or restrict other users (such as admin staff or other psychiatrists) to various features within coreplus. You also have the option of enabling two-factor authentication for when logging in to your account for maximum security.

On top of this, our psychiatric practice management software is 100% free for admin users, with further pricing depending on the size of your patient base.

coreplus allows psychiatrists to:

  • Offer convenient 24/7 online booking to patients and manage bookings with colour-coding, appointment limits, waiting lists, iCal syncing and more.
  • Create invoices and receive payments seamlessly.
  • Monitor billable, cancelled and no-show appointments and create reports on these metrics.
  • Write professional letters based on templates

Extend your services with seamless remote consultations

Right now, there are many Australians who want and need psychiatric help, but simply live too remotely to access it. We are here to help with our state-of-the-art software. Offering remote sessions under the Telehealth initiative with coreplus is simple; we have all the features you need to take online bookings, arrange online payments and process Medicare bills and claims and generate reports all in the one place. Even better, our software allows you to communicate important information regarding your clients with your peers via our Secure Messaging service. This seamless approach makes extending your services to those who need them simple and entirely stress-free.

Make the move to coreplus and streamline practice management

coreplus is suitable for a range of healthcare professionals including:

  • Acupuncturists
  • After Hours GPs
  • Audiologists
  • Chiropractors
  • Cosmetic Surgeons
  • Counsellors
  • Diabetics Educators
  • Dieticians
  • Exercise Physiologists
  • Hand Therapists
  • Massage Therapists
  • Mental Health Workers
  • Naturopaths
  • Nutritionists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Optometrists
  • Speech Pathologists

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