
Online Practice Management Software for Nutritionists

coreplus is the leading nutritionist practice management software in Australia, favoured by busy nutritionists throughout the country. By allowing for continuity of care, effortless bookings and free Medicare/DVA billing and  claiming, coreplus has fast become the nutritionist practice management software of choice. coreplus is also cloud-based, meaning you and your team can access your business from wherever you are in the world. Allowing nutritionists to spend less time on admin and more time on their clients, coreplus is fast becoming an essential tool for industry professionals.

Is it time to upgrade your clinic’s practice management software?

coreplus is the perfect solution of clinics looking to upgrade their software, having been designed specifically for Australian healthcare practices and adhering to the recent NDIS changes as well as the 1988 Privacy Act. coreplus has also been recognised as the only practice management system that allows for interoperability, and therefore helps businesses become digitally ready.

Further, this nutritionist clinic software also allows nutritionists to:

  • Enjoy free admin access, with further pricing depending on the number of users your clinic has
  • Offer convenient bookings through Facebook and your website, as well as manage calendars with colour-coding, appointment limits, waiting lists, iCal syncing and more.
  • Create invoices and receive payments
  • Manage reports to monitor billable, cancelled and no-show appointments and set metrics for success.
  • Draft and create case notes using templates, helping you stay abreast of your client’s progress
  • Enjoy customer service from the coreplus team via phone, email and live chat for free
  • Write professional letters based on templates
  • Determine access permissions in order to keep patient data secure

You may also choose to utilise add-ons that have been specifically designed for nutritionists. These includes everything from medical billing integrations to save you on merchant, transaction and terminal fees to calendar integrations that offer 24/7 online bookings to patients. coreplus is also a great option for those looking to grow their business, with its accredited referred partner network sourcing and booking patients directly into your calendar from health search engines. This not only helps you gain new business, but also allows you to break down where referrals are coming from and administer payments more easily.

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