
Online Practice Management Software for Naturopaths

Australia’s Premier Naturopathic Practice Management Software

Are you tired of cutting back on face-to-face client time due to tedious administrative tasks? With coreplus, you will never have to make that sacrifice again. Our state of the art naturopath software is designed for and used by healthcare professionals all over Australia.

Offering a suite of innovative features, coreplus allows you to seamlessly improve quality of care and grow your practice so you can do more of what you love.

How can our naturopath clinic software help you?

coreplus offers everything you need to streamline your administrative tasks and enhance your services – all in one place. Our cloud-based software allows you and your team to securely access all our incredible features from anywhere in the world. This includes:

  • Managing bookings and calendars.
  • Integrating booking capability to your Facebook page or website.
  • Automate management of waiting lists and appointment limits.
  • Quickly create professional letters from our range of templates.
  • Create and manage reports to stay on top of your billable, no-show and cancelled appointments.
  • Quickly share confidential documents with other health professionals via our Secure Messaging System.
  • Set and monitor achievable metrics for success so you can stay on track to achieve your goals.
  • Easily draft and securely store case notes.
  • Create invoices and receive payments, including remote billing for Telehealth clients.
  • Offer Medicare rebates to eligible clients.
  • Seamlessly communicate with clients using our SMS messaging system.

Start your Free Trial Today.

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Designing customer-centric healthcare eXperiences - Diana Younan
Reimagining Heathcare
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